Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Grow Your Lashes!

By: Vanessa

Now for all ya’ll girls looking to grow your lashes (like I once was after trying eyelash extensions for filming) you have many MANY options, whether you want to do this the organic or non-organic way.

The Organic Way:

What you need: Castor oil & Lemon , Emu Oil

Take a little container put castor oil in it with the peel of a lemon and let it sit for two weeks. Once that is done, you are set to go! Now every night you can start applying this formula to the base of your lashes (you can use a eyeliner application brush). Apply a little bit to your lashes only at night right before you go to bed so that it does not go in your eyes. I also rotated between the castor oil & lemon and my emu oil. So for a few days I would do the castor then change it up a little bit and switch to emu oil. Do this every night for at least three-four months straight or until you start seeing results. In order to have continued eyelash growth take care and nourish your lashes like this as much as possible. Now everyone is different I cannot be %100 percent certain this will work for you but it did 100% in fact work for me and helped be achieve fuller longer and healthier lashes!

Non-organic options: 

Now for those of you who want fast results, I have tried one eyelash enhancing serum so far called “Rapid Lash”. I used Rapid Lash once, for three months and I think if definatley worked! The results were not drastic but defiantly noticeable! My lashes were longer. I have had a couple friends use this product as well and they said they thought it worked too. Again, not drastic…but did notice they looked a little longer/healthier. This also depends on if you are following the instructions properly and using the product everyday! If you discontinue use of the product, lashes will go back to regular length but then you could switch to a more organic approach like castor oil to maintain the length.

*I am currently trying “Stimulash Fusion”, So when I’m done using it I’ll let you know my review, my thoughts and if it worked! 
Love, VM


  1. I'll definitely try this at home. My sisters and mom would love this info. My eyelashes are kind of long naturally, but I would try this out of curiosity to see if they get longer. Interesting tip, thanks.

  2. I'll try this to see if it works. I've tried everything, but it all seemed to go wrong; I have short lashes so I have to pass on mascara everyday before school to make my face look a little bit more feminine. I just don't feel as much girly as I would like to with such small lashes, so i'll definitely try this, thanks!

  3. @winnieBlaster yes! try this! I'll let you kno how stimulash fushion goes friend said her moms eyelashes grew to SO BIG everyone thought they were fake. Check My tricks to having luscious lashes post this could help you! also the ardell or Quo indiviual lashes size medium could help you for sure! they usually last for several days on as well!

  4. Can you make one on hair treatments (like split ends, etc.) Or hair tutorials? I love your hair! It's so beautiful!

  5. I do not believe in love at first sight, but I actually agree that there is such a thing as attraction at first sight.
    One of the features that drew me to my girlfriend of three years the first time we met was her long and thick eyelashes. I later on discovered that she likes wearing semi-permanent eyelash extensions. It's kind of synthetic but it looked natural. I also found out that the procedure doesn't involve breaking any part of her skin. It was such a relief to me! But perhaps the most important thing I've learned about her is that she has a great personality and character—which is far more beautiful than her tantalizing eyes and her captivating eyelashes.

    Gregg Mulherin

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  7. Eyelash set the women's eye's more beautiful and sharp.It does not effect our eyes.It actually works and believe me you will be seen more beautiful than before ever.

  8. Thank you so much for this wonderful article.... :)

  9. I have glasses which makes things way more difficult, I feel that they restrict how long people perceive my eyelashes to be. I'm trying to get contacts but until then is their anything I can do???

  10. I'll stab this to see if it works. I've tried all, but it all seemed to go wrong; I have small strokes so I have to pass on mascara every day beforehand school to make my face look a little bit more female. I just don't feel as much girly as I would like to by such small strokes, so I'll definitely try this, thanks! Please Click here and visit my siteEmu Oil

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